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View Full Version : Requirements for Making a Clan

01-12-2019, 04:49 AM
Want to be the leader of your very own clan in Rogue Dynasty? Here you can do just that! But first you must meet certain requirements:

Clan Requirements

First, you must find at least 5 members for your clan (4 + yourself). Each person can only be in 1 clan, so your members must not already be a member of another clan.
Next, make a new topic here for your clan. The title of the topic must be the name of your clan and you must include a list of your members in the post and a description of your clan and what you plan to do to be active.
All topics posted here must go through moderator review before they will be submitted, so the last step is just to wait for your clan to be posted. If you do not meet the requirements, your clan will be rejected by the moderators and will not post.

Clan Rules

As stated above, you can only be in one clan at a time. You must leave your current clan to join another.
Keep your clan post updated. Keep the first post of your clan topic updated by editing it. You can update it with new information for your members about clan events, news, etc.
Stay active. Again, update your post, encourage discussion in your clan and actively play RD with your members. Keep your members active too. Clans with no activity for long periods of time or no active members may be closed by the moderators.
Follow the basic game and forums rules. You can train with your members by doing daily battles or anything like that as long as you are not letting them win over and over for fast/easy leveling. This is called "dummy training" and is against the Rogue Dynasty game rules. And for forum rules, don't let members spam in your clan topic or anything like that, obviously.

There are many perks to making clans and being members of clans. Clan members will obviously get more activity in the game through battles with other clan members, other clans, and clan events and can share tips and tricks with other members. Later, when item and gold trading is available, clan members can also share items and gold to help each other out.

Clan leaders will get the most perks of course:

Clan Perks

Clan leaders can run their clan however they want, as long as they follow rules. You can have ranks, tournaments, wars with other clans, share information and later share items and gold however you want. Again, follow the rules. No dummy training, bullying, trolling, spamming, etc.
If you get at least 20 members and show excellent activity and organization within your clan, you can apply for your very own clan sub-forum! It will be a sub-forum to this "Clans of Rogue Dynasty" forum and have your clan name. The clan leader will be moderator of their clan forum and have full control of the posts and topics within it. You will be able to make sticky topics, announcements, close and delete topics, manage posts etc. You will not have any banning powers or moderator powers on the rest of the board, however. A guide on how to apply for a sub-forum will be posted.
Clans that are granted a sub-forum will also get their very own user group on the forums! A user group with your clan name will be created and all your members will be added to it. This will allow you to show your clan name or badge in your profiles and all your posts! You can also specify what permissions your users will have within your clan sub-forum (i.e. sticky posts, deleting posts, etc.).
Admins and GM's may hold events for clans, such as tournaments, ladders, wars, etc. Clan leaders can enter their clans into these events and win lots of great prizes for their clan and members!
Later, we plan to implement a clan system directly into the game so you can create and manage your clan in the game and recruit other players or their characters and hold your own events within the game. Start your clan now and stay active and you could be the first to make a "real" clan in the game because you already have members and everything you need!