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Thread: 4th Tier 4 Class + New Race and Map!

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    Default 4th Tier 4 Class + New Race and Map!

    Alright Rogues,

    The next Tier 4 Class is here! Necromancer!

    The Necromancer class comes with an all new race and another new map!

    The Void

    This is The Void. A realm of complete darkness where you will only encounter one enemy. Your own Shadow!


    Shadow is a special monster that doesn't have its own stats (except HP and MP) and skills but will copy yours! Shadow's stats and actions will change depending on the class of your character and your stats.

    As for the map, since it's a realm of complete darkness, you won't be able to see very far. The locations surrounding you will be blacked out, unless you can figure out a way to light up the area! This will make traveling very difficult, especially since there are traps that you can fall into!

    If you can make your way through The Void, you will find the new boss which you must defeat in order to obtain the Necromancer Scroll.


    Once you use the Necromancer scroll, your class will change to Necromancer and your race will also change to an all new race. Void! Void is an evil aligned race that has very powerful magic abilities but very low physical defense. It goes perfect with the Necromancer class which can be the most powerful magic class!

    FYI, The Void can be entered from the Maze of the Burning Night. I normally don't tell where to find quest maps, but if you've already been through the Maze and found its treasure, I know you probably don't want to go back in there unless you know there is more to find. It's very easy to get lost! If you have never been to the Maze of the Burning Night, then that is for you to discover. I won't say where it is.

    And there you have it! Next, as promised, I will be back to working on the first story map, Alexandria, and the next Tier 4 Class, White Knight!

    As always, please report any problems.
    Last edited by AllenSam; 09-13-2020 at 02:35 PM.

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