
A large Pokemon Tournament is being held. Located on a hidden island called
Eight Star Island. Pokemon Trainers from all around have been invited to
this island to test their abilities against one another for a chance to
battle as the Eight Elite and being crowned the Ultimate Pokemon Master.

When Trainers arrive on the island they are divided into eight seperate
divisons, and each one is given a PokePass Card that allows them to enter
different Divisions. The Card also keeps track of their Wins and Losses,
when a Trainer suffers from 3 Losses, they are taken away from the Island
and their memories are cleaned out, like it never happened.

An important rule to remember in this tournament is that the six pokemon you
walk in with are set. The only way to change your party pokemon is to trade
with another trainer inside a division. ALL TRADES ARE FINAL. You're
pokecards will be autochanged. Pokemon may also be evolved as a cause of
battle. If this occurs, you must report to your division's head office with
your pokecard so that your lineup may be changed.

Those who can battle up to the Eight Elite get to keep their memories
regardless if they lose, and are awarded a badge of recognition. Those who
pass through to the top battle against the Current Master are rewarded a
large cash prize, that doubles if they win.


Division 1: A ruined arena surrounded by a large rocky canyon. The roofs
have collapsed, as have much of the floor revealing long tunneling catacombs
underneath. Rock and Fighting-Type moves are powered up in this Division.

Division 2: A ship graveyard in the middle of a lake. The ships are linked
by fallen towers and wires. The water is a dark colour, making it nearly
impossible to see the bottom. Water-Type moves are powered up in this

Division 3: A large cave surrounded by a river of lava. It appears to be the
inside of a Volcano, and the temperature rises every hour, limiting the
trainers time. Fire-Type moves are powered up in this Division.

Division 4: A metallic room surounded by an electric cage. There are many
sources of leaking electricity thoughout the confines of the area.
Electric-Type moves are powered up in this Division.

Division 5: A room with a ceiling the seems to never end. Many high trees
and an grassy field lie underneath what seems to be a clear blue sky.
Grass/Bug and Flying-Type moves are powered up in this Division.

Division 6: A small cubic room with walls of steel that drop down around the
competetors. There are few amounts of cover so only the highest defended
pokemon need try to battle here. Metal-Type moves are powered up in this

Division 7: A dark room where little is to be seen. A dark mist seems to be
constantly hovering over the arena. It has been said people here things
while they battle in this room. Psycic and Dark-Type moves are powered up in
this Division.

Division 8: A plain looking gym arena. The area is closed off to all outside
elements, and gives no certain type of attack the advantage.

Character Sheet
Reason For Joining:

Pokemon: (Max of 6) Don't worry about Pokemon Levels.

My character sheet.

Name: Benjamin Ackerman

Age: 16

Reason For Joining: Just an average kid who would like some money in the
bank, he also needs money to fund his pokemon breeding research, as he has
aspired to be a pokemon breeder and trainer since a young age.

Appearence: At first look you can tell Benny is very young to be in such a
tournament. He wears a red vest with a pokeball symbol on the left chest
pocket. He wears a black shirt underneath, and black pants. His pokeballs
are atttached to his pant legs, three on each leg. Josh stands at 5' 11" and
has tanned skin and dark brown medium length hair.

Personality: Benny is a very happy young man. He loves finding new people
to travel with, but was kind of happy to come to the tournament alone. He is
extremely to his pokemon, and they give him the same respect back. In
battle, he uses his head before his heart, which is one of the greatest
tools a trainer can use. Benny is strong willed, and will fight hard for
what he wants.

History: Benny had a normal childhood, and when the time came he chose his
piplup to begin his journey. He traveled from region to region, taking notes
on pokemon behavior and evolution. He and his priplup began battling, see he
could witness the powers, or weaknesses of pokemon. He was catching more and
more pokemon from each nation, and he was loving his new research. He was
well on his way to becoming a great trainer/breeder. Catching any pokemon
that would will him, instead of sticking to a single kind.

He then began battling. He loved that too. The thrill of defeating an
opponent with the pokemon you raised from scratch. HE battled more and more,
making more friends along the way. He was then told about the gyms. He
decided to try them out. Time after time Benny and his pokemon obliterated
any gym leader that stood in his way. They were so impressed with Benny
trainer talent at such a young age, they finally requested him to the
officials of the eight star island tournament. And soon after he recieved
his invite to the most prestiegous and least talked about tournament that he
has ever heard about.
