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Thread: Trading Items & Gold

  1. #1
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Default Trading Items & Gold

    This is a step-by-step guide to the new trade system. It may seem confusing at first, but it's really not as complicated as it seems. Basically, the trade system works by holding both players' selected items and gold in a trade database until both players review and agree to the trade and click a confirm button.

    You can find the trade system at the top your inventory page:

    From here, you can start a new trade or see a list of your open trades. To manage one of your open trades, simply click the link (ex: Trade to: Carnage) to open the trade manager.

    To start a new trade type in the EXACT username of the player you want to trade with into the text box under "Start New Trade" and click the "Start Trade" button.

    The new trade will be added to your list of open trades and you can open it and manage it as explained above.

    This is the trade manager. A new trade will have a text box for gold and five drop-down select boxes for items. You can choose up to five different items to trade and set an unlimited quantity. You cannot select the same item in more than one box or you will get an error. Each box must have a different item or no item. Also, negative values entered in the gold or quantity boxes will be read as 0 and of course, you will get an error if you try to send more gold or items than you have. Some items in your inventory may not be listed for trade because they are non-tradeable as set by admins.

    Once you have set your gold and selected your items that you want to trade, click the "Confirm Items" button. This will lock your items and gold in the trade database and remove them from your inventory, but they will not be sent to the other player yet.

    At this point, you must wait for the other player to select their items and lock them into the database as well. If you are just giving items to the other player and not trading for anything, they can simply click Confirm Trade without entering any items or gold.

    Once the other player locks in their items and gold, you will see a new link "Confirm Trade." This is different than "Confirm Items." First, it's not a submit button, it's just a link so you can easily see the difference and won't accidentally confirm the trade. Clicking the "Confirm Trade" link will allow the other player to accept your items and gold. It's basically the "I agree to this trade" button. After clicking this link, you will wait again for the other player to click theirs. Once they click their "Confirm Trade" link, you are past the point of no return and all items will be transferred from the trade database to the new inventories.

    Notice the "Cancel Trade" link in all the above screenshots. At any time during the trade, BEFORE both players have clicked the "Confirm Trade" link, you can cancel the trade and all items and gold will be returned to their original owners. This means, even after you click the "Confirm Trade" link, you still have a chance to cancel the trade but ONLY if the other player has not yet clicked their "Confirm Trade" link. I would advise both players to review the trade before clicking the confirm link and make sure everything is agreeable. Any items or gold amounts accidentally sent are your responsibility and the other player is under no obligation to return them unless it was caused by an error in the system.
    Last edited by AllenSam; 06-17-2019 at 01:11 PM.

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