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Thread: Getting Started - Video Guide

  1. #1
    Site Owner
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    Mar 2007

    Default Getting Started - Video Guide

    UPDATE: This video is outdated. If you are a guest and not yet registered, you can still follow the steps to register, but the rest is out of date and doesn't include the Prologue of the game.

    Here is a video guide on getting started at RogueDynasty if you are new!

    Skip the registration part if you've already registered, otherwise if you're a guest viewing this, the video will show you the steps to registering.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions! If you don't want to post it in the public forums, PM me or another admin, message me on Facebook or join the facebook fanpage at and send us a message there.
    Last edited by AllenSam; 09-16-2020 at 03:03 AM.

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