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Thread: Quests...

  1. #1

    Default Quests...

    I have questions about quests in RD, like is there a quest on where to go? like a story to follow or something like that? or maybe just quests that you would recommend, the only quest i ever got is the one that you have to find pestil roots, any quests like this so I can grind more gold?

  2. #2
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    The story quest is not finished yet. It will mostly involve the higher level maps past Harkan Kingdom. Most of the current quests could be considered side quests. They are quests to obtain items that are no sold in the shops and also Boss quests for class upgrade scrolls.

    I don't want to give too much information because they are meant to be discovered, but the biggest quest available so far involves Chocobos so see what you can figure out with Chocobos and be sure to explore every corner of the map!

    I will be working on more story quests and I like your idea of quests that lead the player where to go. I'll definitely think about some like that. If you have any ideas or suggestions, they are always welcome!

  3. #3


    Okay, I get it, so for now my main goal is to figure out what to do with Chocobos, and of course to grind xp and gold. Thanks again!

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