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Thread: Sprite Submission Event! Ultimate Armor Sets

  1. #1
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    AllenSam's Avatar
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    Default Sprite Submission Event! Ultimate Armor Sets

    Any sprites or ideas submitted that I use will be rewarded with the following items (each):
    10x Rock Candy [1B]
    10x Coin Jar [1B]
    5x Rainbow Fragment [1B]

    Ok guys, since we have Ultimate Weapons for each class, I'm planning to make Ultimate Armors as well. Otherwise, attack will outweight defense because people could get weapons up to level 50 but armors only up to level 35. These armor sets will give special bonuses if you equip the full set with the Ultimate Weapon.

    I only have a few so far, so I need your help finding sprites for all of them! You can create your sprites, or find them online, or even re-color ones we already have. Submit the best sprites and if I choose yours, you will get prizes!!

    Feel free to come up with your own names and effects for them as well. Also if you find better sprites for ones I already have, I will accept those too! I may not use your ideas exactly, but anything helps!

    Note: There will be no Ultimate Accessories

    Also Note: Classes that use 2 weapons won't have an Ultimate Shield and Classes that use bows or guns will have a shared Ultimate Arrow or Ultimate Ammo (I plan to add ammo for guns like arrows for bows)

    Here's what I have so far:


    Order of Phoenix Helm - Limit Charge, Strength Preserver

    Order of Phoenix Armor - Auto Protect, Health Preserver

    Order of Phoenix Shield - SOS Reflect, Auto Counter
    Full Set Bonus - Final Attack: Summon Phoenix (Auto Revive + burn enemy once per battle)


    Halo - Auto Revive (Once per battle) , Auto Regen, Life Preserver

    Angel's Wings - Auto Float (Earth Proof), Holy Eater

    Holy Shield - Auto Wall, Water Proof, Ice Proof
    Full Set Bonus - Auto Revive twice per battle


    Helm of the Sun God - Limit Charge, Fire Eater

    Armor of the Sun God - SOS Attack Proof, Auto Burn (self), Auto Burn (enemy, when they attack)

    Shield of the Sun God - Ice Proof, Water Proof
    Full Set Bonus - Sun God randomly fills limt

    Black Mage

    Grand Mage Hat - Osmosis (Drain enemy MP when they attack you)

    Grand Mage Cloak - Tetra Eater

    Grand Targe - Shadow Proof, Holy Proof, Gravity Proof
    Full Set Bonus - Grand Mage Staff boosts spells without consuming double MP


    Ultra Mask - Sense Preserver, Strength Preserver, Building Rage (increase damage as limit rises)

    Ultra Gi - Auto Evade & Counter, [more effects?]
    Full Set Bonus - Knockout - chance of disable enemy for 1 turn with attack

    Dark Knight

    Grim Helm - Shadow Eater

    Grim Armor - Auto Wall, Gravity Eater

    Grim Shield - Fire Proof, Lightning Proof
    Full Set Bonus - Increase Grim Blade's Darkside damage (to enemy only)


    Helm of Despair - Limit Charge

    Armor of Dread - Shadow Eater, Curse enemy when they attack you

    Shield of Sorrow - Auto Wall, Fire Proof, Lightning Proof
    Full Set Bonus: Increase Reaper's Toll's reap damage

    Dragon Warrior

    Dragovian Helm - Life Preserver, Strength Preserver

    Dragovian Armor - Spike Damage (when enemy attacks), Omni Proof

    Dragovian Shield - Auto Defend, Fire Breath Counter (Burn enemy when they attack)
    Full Set Bonus - Break Damage Limit (Monsters), Pierce Overkill Proof


    Azure Helm - Use Mp to boost attack damage, Life Preserver

    Azure Armor - Store Damage - Store damage each time you are attacked and release it with your limit to increase limit damage

    Azure Shield - Shadow Proof, Holy Proof, Gravity Ward
    Full Set Bonus - Pierce Attack Proof (Half Damage)


    A.I.M - Lightning Eater, Strength Preserver, Health Preserver

    Ironside - Attack Proof
    Full Set Bonus - Increase Rocket Launcher's chance of maximum damage


    General's Hat - Blind Shot (Cause double damage when you are blind instead of missing), Moving Target (Never miss enemies with Evade)

    General's Coat - Kevlar (Reduce damage from enemies with Off Hand Weapons (Arrows, Bullets, Daggers, Claws, Gloves)), Time Preserver
    Full Set Bonus - Increase Death Penalty's Last Bullet Damage


    Cheetah Hat - Increase Head Shot Damage, Sense Preserver, Strength Preserver

    Cheetah Garb - 2x Medicinal Healing (Potions and Potion Skills), Overkill Proof
    Full Set Bonus - Increase Hunting Skill damage, Auto Scan (Monsters)


    Money Pot - Gold Regen, Sanity Preserver

    All Seeing Eye - Auto Scan (Monsters), Auto Evade, Overkill Proof

    Magic Mirror - Auto Reflect
    Full Set Bonus - Randomly adjust HP to 777 or 7777


    Bloody Mask - Limit Charge, Health Preserver

    True Alpha - Auto Protect, Strength Preserver
    Full Set Bonus - Increase Hell Scissors chance of bleed


    Róngyù - Limit Charge, Strength Preserver, Life Preserver, Overkill Proof

    Jīngyàn - Auto Evade & Counter, Reduce enemy limit when they attack.
    Full Set Bonus - Double Damage if both hand slots are empty (no weapons or shields)


    Banshee - Time Preserver, Sanity Preserver

    Harbringer - Auto Shell, Shadow Eater, Magic Preserver

    Wraith - Health Preserver, Chance of Zombie when enemy attacks
    Full Set Bonus - Helter-Skelter always inflicts maximum status ailments


    Seer's Hood - Auto Evade & Counter, [More effects?]

    Final Shinobi - Ribbon (Blocks all negative statuses)
    Full Set Bonus - Double Kill (Pierce Auto Life)


    Krakken Helm - Water Eater, Looter's Strength (increase damage based on # of treasure cheats opened on the map)

    Krakken Armor - Ink Shot (Blind enemy when they attack), Auto Protect
    Full Set Bonus - Traveler's Strength (increase damage based on number of steps taken on map)


    Ronin Helm - Sense Preserver, Strength Preserver

    Ronin Armor - Auto Regen, Auto MP Regen, Sanity Preserver

    Ronin Sheath - Life Preserver, Auto Counter
    Full Set Bonus - Increase Shin-Zantetsu damage bonus to 2% for each 1% hp lost (from 1%)


    Emerald Hat - Increase Headshot Damage, Moving Target

    Emerald Garb - Auto-Shell, Deflect Projectiles (Arrows & Bullets
    Full Set Bonus - Target Elemental Weakness with any bow/arrow


    Hood of the Mystics - Magic Attack (Normal attack damage will be based on MO/MD instead of ATK/DEF)

    Cloak of the Mystics - Overkill Proof

    Void - Omni Eater
    Full Set Bonus - Doubles Elemental Absorbtion


    Hood of Lords - Beasts' Empathy (Increase summon damage as your limit fills)

    Robe of Lords - Tetra Eater, Magic Preserver

    Lords' Targe - Friend of Beasts (reduce damage from enemy summons.), Invincible MP (Nullify all MP damage)
    Full Set Bonus - Half MP Cost for all summons


    Gold Mask - Time Preserver, Increase success rate of stealing

    Gold Tunic - Auto Evade & Counter, Overkill proof
    Full Set Bonus - Double Items and Gold stolen (won't take double gold from other player but still gives you double)


    Hades Helm - Sanity Presrver, Sense Preserver

    Hades Armor - Anti-Drain, Anti-Bleed, Auto Protect

    Hades Shield - Shadow Eater, Strength Preserver
    Full Set Bonus - Double healing when you drain the enemy (won't double damage to enemy)


    Lamia's Tiara - Auto MP Regen, Magic Preserver

    Aka Manah - Magic Proof

    Moloch's Couldron - Health Preserver, Inflict random status ailment on enemy when they attack
    Full Set Bonus - Nemesis Rod always inflicts maximum status ailments


    Iron Duke - Auto Stats Up, Strength Preserver, Limit Charge

    Maxamillion - Auto Wall, Health Preserver
    [Better sprite?]
    Shield of Honor - Life Preserver, Overkill Proof
    Full Set Bonus - Deal Maximum Damage with Berserk + Full Health

    White Knight

    Glory Helm - Auto Regen, Strength Preserver

    Glory Armor - Auto Wall, Holy Eater

    Glory Shield - Ice Proof, Water Proof
    Full Set Bonus - Doubles all healing

    White Mage

    Golden Mage Hood - Auto Regen

    Golden Mage Cloak - Auto Barrier

    Golden Targe - Life Preserver, Magic Preserver
    Full Set Bonus - Auto Revive (Once per battle)


    Diamondtip - 100% Head Shot

    God Killer - 100% Head Shot

    I will come up with some rewards later. Hope to see some good ideas!
    Last edited by AllenSam; 09-09-2019 at 12:19 PM.

  2. #2
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    Alright guys, I'm making good progress but still have some missing sprites and effects I could use some help with! I updated the post to show all the effects so you guys can help me fill in the blanks. Also, feel free to give input on the effects I already filled in if you think of anything better.

    For each sprite or idea that you submit and I use, you will be rewarded with 10 Rock Candies, 10 Coin Jars, and 5 Rainbow Fragments!

  3. #3


    Heart of a true fighter -brawler armor name
    God killer -ammo name

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by RimuruTempest View Post
    Heart of a true fighter -brawler armor name
    God killer -ammo name
    Thanks for the ideas! I'm using your ammo name. For the armor name, I'm not using it exactly, but it sparked an idea for the Lycan's armor which I'm calling True Alpha, so I will still give you the reward for it.

    Keep in mind the names and sprites are subject to change if someone else gives another one that I feel is more fitting but you still get your reward! Keep them coming!

    I have added 2 gift boxes to your inventory. Use them on any character to open them.

  5. #5


    Thief offhand- timeless pocketwatch,
    50% chance delay attk if critical hit opponent
    25% crit up

    Ninja offhand
    Chakra bracers
    Soullink skill the more Hp the more damage also items atk hits MP aswell
    Last edited by AllenSam; 03-07-2019 at 01:55 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by RimuruTempest View Post
    Thief offhand- timeless pocketwatch,
    50% chance delay attk if critical hit opponent
    25% crit up

    Ninja offhand
    Chakra bracers
    Soullink skill the more Hp the more damage also items atk hits MP aswell

    Ninja's and Thieves duel wield daggers, so they will have a weapon in their offhand. Sorry, I didn't include weapons in the list.

    I like the effects, but I can't find anywhere to fit them in. I was thinking maybe using the MP hit for Dragoon, but it may make them too powerful. They are a pure powerhouse class and need to be weak against magic. If they were to deplete a magic class' MP, it wouldn't stand a chance.

    I will let you know if I use your ideas!
    Last edited by AllenSam; 03-07-2019 at 02:13 AM.

  7. #7


    What about a sacrifice move like I read dark knights have but for MP. Like take some and target MP bar based off the amount used

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RimuruTempest View Post
    What about a sacrifice move like I read dark knights have but for MP. Like take some and target MP bar based off the amount used
    I like it. I think I will use that for Dragoon, but it won't target MP because, like I said, if they can deplete MP easily, they will be OP. It will just use MP to boost their attack damage. Since they are power attackers, they won't need much MP for skills.

    I'll send you another gift box.

  9. #9
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    Just a little announcement regarding Ultimate items:

    I have implemented a new admin feature that allows us to give items stats by percentage (ex: hp +20%, atk +10% etc). So I have decided to scrap the upgrade idea for Ultimate items and have them increase stats by percentage instead. So they will get stronger as you get stronger. Also, they will be usable from level 1! But they will be extremely hard to get, I don't even have any idea how yet, but it won't be easy. But once you get them, you will be able to use them on even your new level 1 characters.

    Also, look for other items that increase stats by percentage. I've already implemented it into some of the existing items. ^^

  10. #10
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    All sets are finished and coded and tested and working as they should. I'll leave this open though. Any ideas or better sprites are still welcome.

    Also, I made another change to what I said above. The ultimate items are useable from level 1, but now you must first reach level 50 and be "reborn" to "Ultimate" status. It will reset your level to 1 but you will have certain benefits as an Ultimate character, mainly, the ability to equip Ultimate sets. Also, Ultimate characters will do more damage with their preferred weapons than normal characters and have a gold name. I'm still working on more benefits. I will post a guide to Ultimate characters later.
    Last edited by AllenSam; 07-24-2019 at 10:36 AM.

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