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We haven't seen Jeremy in ages. We didn't really get along with him.
To try and summarize briefly, Sean was the original owner after Storm yielded Anfiniti. Over time, Sean wanted to make Anfiniti into a personal Facebook for Anfiniti/RPGP people. He eventually started a new forum altogether (nicknamed Newfiniti) while "Oldfiniti" was shut down. When "Newfiniti" stopped being active he gave upon it and Indigo was left with the databases. Indigo reopened "Oldfiniti" and it was once again the official forum. During that period, Indigo made me Administrator, because I was interested in it and he was far too busy (he does programming IRL now and does not do it in spare time as much now). Eventually, Indigo stopped hosting Anfiniti, and I became the official sysadmin/webmaster from there. This is all over the course of time since 2005, when Anfiniti and RPGP initially split.
As a side note, Sean blamed trolls for Anfiniti's demise. Not the fact that everyone's older and has jobs and possibly a family, and that forums are going out of style with the advent of social media. At one point, he had driven all the "problem" people away (I was one of them), and the site still failed, because people didn't need a second Facebook to pile onto their increasingly-limited online routines. I remember finally leaving, truly believing that it would fail, and I wanted to prove it by not giving Sean a person or "people" to blame. He sucked the life out of the site, and removed the content that made it unique and special to its members. Since then, I've done more work for Anfiniti than he or anyone (besides Indigo) has ever done.
So if he happens to be here (which I doubt), he can suck it.