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Thread: New Status Effects

  1. #1
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default New Status Effects

    A few new status effects have been added!

    Bubble - Doubles Max HP

    Mini - Halves Max HP

    Lucid - Halves MP cost of Skills

    Pressured - Doubles MP cost of Skills

    Haste - Doubles Agility

    Slow - Halves Agility

    Check them out in the Library for more info.

    At this time, these new statuses have not been implemented into any skills or items but we will be adding them to certain skills and items ASAP and maybe even make some new skills and items for them! So, keep an eye out for these new status effects!

  2. #2
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Update: Did a few quick skill and item updates:

    Angel and White Mage now have Bubble buff skills

    Witch/Warlock's existing Mini and Toad skills modified to include Mini status effect

    Mini skill added to Black Mage

    Guardian Angel Feather item changed to Bubble instead of Peerless.

    Items with Ribbon effect updated to block Pressured, Mini, and Slow.

    Items with Magic Preserver and Sanity Preserver effect updated to block Pressured

    Items with Time Preserver effect updated to block Slow

    Items with Health Preserver effect updated to block Mini

    More to come.
    Last edited by AllenSam; 04-10-2020 at 01:26 PM.

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