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Thread: New Maps and Level 15~20 Monsters!

  1. #1
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Default New Maps and Level 15~20 Monsters!

    All level 15~20 maps have been completed with random monster encounters added. These include:

    Aardon Swamps
    North Tundra
    River Path 3
    Fusion Highway
    Ice Cave
    Fire Cave
    Earth Cave
    Wind Temple
    Thunder Cave

    Ice Cave, Fire Cave, Earth Cave, Wind Temple, and Thunder Cave are quest maps with level 20 bosses! The maps and bosses have already been available for a long time now but were never officially announced because random monster encounters were not finished for these maps. Some of you may have already found these maps and defeated the bosses. Consider yourself lucky because they will be much more challenging to navigate with random encounters distracting you!

    So here is the official announcement of the bosses for these maps. They include:

    (Ice Cave)

    (Fire Cave)

    (Earth Cave)

    (Wind Temple)

    (Thunder Cave)

    I can't tell you where these maps are located or how to reach them so good luck exploring!

    Now, on to the BRAND NEW maps! River Path 3 and Fusion Highway are brand new and were never before accessible! They are not quest maps so they don't require anything special to reach them. They are simple path maps that are mostly straight forward. You can see their locations on the world map here:

    River Path 3 can be reached from Kishitora. Beware that the monsters in River Path 3 are MUCH stronger than River Path 1 and 2. They are level 15~20 as mentioned above. River Path 3 leads to Fusion Highway and for now, Fusion Highway is a dead end until DaBei Temple and Fusion City are released.

    River Path 3

    Fusion Highway

    As always, please report any problems and have fun exploring and battling the new monsters!

    Next, I will be working on some level 20~25 monsters including The Golden Trade-way and Round Island and maybe add another new map with a new boss. Stay tuned!
    Last edited by AllenSam; 06-19-2020 at 12:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Legendary Rogue Dynasty Hero Testament's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Guess i dodged a bullet with the elemental caves....lmao

    Killing Him Is The Reason For MY EXISTENCE!!!

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